
Alpha Chi

Alpha Chi




The Alpha Chi National College Honor Society is a coeducational academic honor society and a member of the 大学荣誉社团协会. 会员资格须获邀请, 我们接受在三年级排名前10%的学生, senior, 或所有学科的研究生班. With some 300 chapters, located in almost every state, 该组织吸纳了大约11人,000 members annually. Since 1922, the purpose of this prestigious national honor society has been to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and to honor those who achieve such distinction.




We help to fuel a robust intellectual life both inside and outside the classroom, offering high-achieving students opportunities to engage with a community of peers on campus and across the country. 

  • 激活你的智力生活.
    We celebrate and cultivate the life of the scholar and often sponsor lectures, forums, debates, workshops, and publication opportunities, events that cultivate the scholarly community and benefit both members and non-members alike. 
  • 享受领导和服务的机会.
    Alpha Chi offers resume-building opportunities as leaders of campus chapters and national governance. Project planning, public speaking, organizational development, and effective fundraising are examples of valuable skills that you can learn. 
  • 全校合作.
    我们要打破部门和机构的划分. 多学科成员, we want to facilitate interaction and friendships among the most high-achieving students.
  • 争取奖学金和经济奖励.
    Alpha Chi全国大学荣誉协会提供许多助学金, scholarships, fellowships, awards, 以及用于支持本科生和研究生奖学金的旅行津贴.

Contact Dr. Kathi Vosevich ( or Dr. Justine Pas ( for more information.


Induction Program Archive

澳门威尼斯人平台官网的Alpha Chi Pi章节介绍 record numbers of new members.

Meet our Officers

Alpha Chi FAQ